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Listen to Dis' VOICE

Mondays 6PM to 8:30PM.

At the Artesian on 13th in Regina, Saskatchewan or online on Zoom.

This community group which consists of different people with both visible and invisible disabilities who meet once a week to explore different art forms that involve using and developing the voice and breath.

***The program is currently at capacity and is not accepting any more members.***


Upcoming Performances & Events

461 Langdon Crescent, Moose Jaw. Art Museum Theatre at the Moose Jaw Public Library. 

Listen To Dis’ Community & Arts Organization presents Bits and Pieces of Dis’ & Dat’ which includes a song cycle created from individual covers, monologues, and more. This dazzling montage of music and theatre from past productions will be performed by the LTD’ musical ensemble The Dripping Honeys featuring Ammanda Zelinski on vocals; music director Ed Peck on percussion; Emil Schmuck on harmonica; Finn Burke on bass guitar; and Jason Yuen on piano with guest appearances from The Other Ordinary company actors.

Traci Foster, founder and Artistic Director of LTD’ will facilitate an oral presentation and cultural conversation about current access initiatives within Saskatchewan and how integrating intimate access is taking shape in the province. 

July 15th.
1pm to 1:50pm & 2:10pm to 3pm.


Saskatchewan Festival of Words.

_Not Just Christmas  FINAL 2024 (Instagram Post).jpg

Not Just Christmas

Darke Hall 
December 17, 2024

May 18th

6PM to 8PM
CST Sask Time


The Visiting Artist Series.

Creating Cabaret (Ooh La La!) with Kristel Harder

Digital (via Zoom)

Auto-captioning and ASL available


What is a Cabaret?

Is it a variety show?

A song cycle?

An acclaimed musical about people

Singing with aggressive German accents?

Come find out in this free online workshop with multidisciplinary artist, Kristel Harder. Learn the steps to create your own one person show using a combination of your own stories, stand up comedy, repurposed 90's pop songs, beat poetry you wrote in high school, and whatever other special skills you've got listed on your CV. (Recorder solos welcome)

April 20th

6PM to 8PM
CST Sask Time


The Visiting Artist Series.

Think, Feel, Ask, Do: How a Journalistic Lens can Broaden Your Creative Practice with John Loeppky.

Digitally (Via Zoom).

Auto captioning and ASL available.

Description:  In this free online workshop, participants will learn how using tools that are often deployed by journalists, like asking questions in certain ways and consistently framing our work for the public’s consumption, can positively impact your creative practice. Participants will be led through a series of exercises to get their journalistic juices flowing, will be shown examples where creativity and journalism have fused successfully, and will be provided tools to centre their work through this lens.

March 16th

6PM to 8PM
CST Sask Time


The Visiting Artist Series.

Radio Plays and Podcasting with Grahame Kent.

Digitally (Via Zoom).

Auto captioning and ASL available.

Description:  Want to learn the ins and outs of radio theatre? Want to produce your own radio theatre podcast?

In this FREE and ONLINE workshop, join Grahame Kent in learning how to write a play for the audio medium (or adapt your own current work) then how to make it work onstage or how to produce your own radio theatre podcast! Lay the groundwork to have your own radio play cast out into the world, avoid common pitfalls, writing something exciting and let it be heard by the world!

March 20th at 6:30pm - 8:30pm
March 23rd at 
1pm - 2:30pm.

CST Sask Time


Pajama Party Politics: Gathering to Gab.

with Listen to Dis' Community Arts Org and Saskatchewan Arts Alliance.

March 20th: In person at the Artesian on 13th, Regina, Sk. Wheelchair accessible space.
March 23rd: Online (Zoom).


 These events are a casual get-together of the Saskatchewan disabled community to continue to connect and share (lived) experiences. There will be two opportunities to meet (come to one or both)!

This event continues Listen to Dis' Community Arts Organization's and SAA's Saskatchewan-based initiative - the creation of a living document on accessibility int he province that would support a broader understanding of access through the disability cultural lens.

December 8th 
6:30PM  to 8PM CST Sask Time


Pajama Party Politics: Access through Solidarity.

Pajama Party Politics: Access through Solidarity is presented by Listen to Dis' Sask Arts Alliance. Join us for a cultural conversation with Max Ferguson and Traci Foster on accessibility and accommodation.

Who is this for? Everyone, access is not for the disabled only.

When and Where? December 8 at 6:30 pm (CT) via Zoom

The discussion will focus on why it is important that we all, as artists and cultural workers, both independently and as part of organizations, do the work to catch up and keep up with the current understanding of access and accommodation with and for d/Deaf, mad, k/crip, chronically ill, sick, and disabled artists.

Everyone is welcome and we invite you to come as you are – just as you are – whether in pajamas on the couch, or comfy in your office.

December 13th
7PM  to 8:30PM 


"Not Just Christmas" with The Dripping Honeys (formerly In Our Skin) and guest JJ Voss.

Join the Listen to Dis’ Community Arts Organization music ensemble "The Dripping Honeys" (formerly "In Our Skin") featuring Ammanda Zelinski on vocals, Jason Yuen on piano, Emil Schmuck on Harmonica, Ed Peck on drums with guest J.J. Voss on bass and vocals for a concert of holiday classics and some of our favorite tunes!

Tuesday December 13th, 2022. 7pm – 8:30pm.

Room CB 210. University of Regina College Ave Campus. 2155 College Ave - Entry East of Darke Hall.

Admission: Pay What You Can at the Door or Online.

Recent Performances & Events

(Selected) Past Performances & Events



Mine to Have Saskatchewan Tour (Postponed due to COVID-19)

Sept 25-Oct 25


Sask. Culture Days Disability Art and Culture Hub

Digitally (Via Zoom)

July 29 – August 7


Saskatoon Fringe

Mine to Have (Digital)

7 PM SK Time

May 18, 2021

Mine to Have Digital Performance

2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

Nuit Blanche

Regina, Saskatchewan



Neither Heroes nor Ordinary People Tour

Regina, Saskatoon, North Battleford, Moose Jaw, Swift Current



Saskatchewan Culture Days

Regina, SK

2016 & 2018

Globe Theatre Shumiatcher Sandbox Series

Regina, SK


Cathedral Village Arts Festival

Regina, SK


Taste of Skylight Festival

Regina, SK

October, 2017

Artists of Ability Festival

Regina & Saskatoon


Telemiracle 40

Regina, SK





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